
Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Bin Weevils Maintenance and 1500 Hits Party :D

I was logging onto bin weevils at 12pm PST and it came up with a notice..

We will let you know soon what they have done to the bin!!
The notice says:
"Bin Weevils Maintenance"
We're doing some work in the bin at the moment.
We will let you back in shortly.
I hope this helps.

- We have reached 1000-1500 Hits, and to celebrate it, we are having a party : D

Here is the invitation

If you cant see it, it says..
BWCheats 1500 Hits Party
Server: Mulch
Place: Inks Orange peel
Time: 12 30 pm, Pacific Standard Time(8 30pm UK time)
Date: Friday 7th August

If you dont know what time that is in your country, lets us know in a comment.

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