
Monday, 24 August 2009

6th QUESTION: Bin Weevils Daily Brain Teaser Competition

7 bin pets were boarding at the local Pet Lodge. Each bin pet was in a separate cage, all in a single row. One of the employees left the cages unlocked and the bin pets have all gotten out of their cages. She needs to put each of them back in the right cage, but this is all she remembers. Help her get them in the right cages, and QUICK!

Bin Pet names: Beau, Duke, Fluffy, Lady, Princess, Rover, and Spike

What she remembers:
1. Spike doesn't like other dogs much, so he was on one of the ends.
2. Princess was somewhere to the left of Beau.
3. Rover was in the third run from the right.
4. The only dog between Fluffy and Lady was Princess.
5. Duke was directly to the left of Lady.
A: Spike-Lady-Princess-Fluffy-Rover-Beau-Duke
B: Princess-Duke-Fluffy-Princess-Lady-Rover-Beau
C: Duke-Lady-Princess-Fluffy-Rover-Beau-Spike
D: Duke-Fluffy-Princess-Lady-Rover-Beau-Spike

Note: LAST Question will be posted tomorrow. You will not be able to come back to this question

so write it down on a piece of paper and keep it safe. We will ask you to send in all your answers
on the 25th August to a special email address that we will post later.

with thanks to rachee (im embarised shw figured it our first :I ) the awnser is C

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