
Tuesday, 6 April 2010

BWM Notice

Beanoz4: Rach got all confused it swiched to tommorow wich means we'll have to wait longer but we do get more stuff

REMEMBER BIN CLOSED AT 6PM while it's under matnentas chat on our chat below

Edit: We're all confused as BW is still open and its 6 30pm. They changed the nest notice to say that theyre going to do it on Wednesday.
Second Edit: Crown at peel park.
Edit: BW has just put a post on their facebook that the Bin will close AGAIN on Wednesday 7th April at 6:00pm. This time it will close because they are going to put more "new stuff and games". Sounds Cool to me, slightly annoyed that the bin will close again, as beanoz said to me, why cant they make it during the night or at 6pm? Comment your thoughs and we may put them on this post! To clarify things, the bin will close tuesday and wednesday at 6pm. Any questions? leave us a comment or a message on the chat.

Hey Weevils

Bin weevils are going to have some changes to the bin. It will close at 6pm today and open again tomorrow while they make the final changes. Heres a facebook post that they did saying about the change.

"You may have heard there are some
great changes coming to the Bin.
On Tuesday 6th April at 6:00pm we
need to close the Bin to all weevils whilst we make some final changes.
We'll open the Bin again on
Wednesday 7th April - and WE CAN'T WAIT!
In the mean time check out the new
changes on the What's New page!"


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